Gabriel Delgado

Gabriel Delgado

Swarm of Angels | Sacrifice Series, 2023
Acrylic and Mixed Media on Strathmore Watercolor Paper
22 x 30 in
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Gabriel Delgado



Gabriel Delgado, Born 1976:


Gabriel Delgado was born 1976 in Ohio and is a 1998 graduate of Kent State University.  


As an Artist, Delgado creates themed artwork that explores aspects of contemporary culture and events, ranging from Science, Economy, Human Emotions, and Social Reform.  


His unique approach includes Conceptual Mathematic and Algebraic Order of Operation equation drawings, employing various techniques and applications. Through his art, Delgado aims not only to educate but also to create visual platforms for balanced political debates and community discussions.


His themed artworks delve into human emotions and the significant responses in human interactions.


Recent artworks of the Emotion series of algebraic equations have been exhibited at national art fairs including Art Miami, Palm Beach Modern + Contemporary and others. 


Delgado's previous artwork extended to large-scale billboards displayed on bridges, buildings, and abandoned inner-city properties, catching the attention of the Director of the Museum of Contemporary Art D.C. (MOCA D.C.). This recognition propelled his career into the museum scene in the late 1990s and ultimately landing him in many museum exhibitions and a group exhibition at the Dia Drawing Center in New York. 


Gabriel Delgado holds a BFA from Kent State University in Painting as well as a Minor in Philosophy. Delgado also holds a Certificate from the University of Glasgow in Antiquities Trafficking and Art Crimes, Duke University in Public Art and Pedagogy, and the Universita Bocconi in Art and Heritage Management. 


Delgado is also a graduate of the International Society of Appraisers (ISA) and is an active member of the American Institute of Conservation (AIC)- certified in several aspects of collection management. 


Select Exhibitions include: 


“The Institutionist” - The Drawing Center, New York, NY


Art Miami Art Fair 2021,2022, 2023

Palm Beach Modern + Contemporary 2021, 2022,2023

Hamptons Fine Art Fair 2022

Market Art & Design the Hamptons Art Fair 2021


“Texas Drops By”, MadisMad Gallery, Group Invitational, ARCO Art Fair, Madrid, Spain


“Texas Rangers”, (MOCA-DC), Museum of Contemporary Art D.C., Washington, D.C.


 “VOZ”, Centro de Artes, Selections from the (UTSA) University of Texas at San Antonio Permanent Art Collection, San Antonio, TX


 “A Decade of Occupation: 10-year Survey Exhibition”, Fl!ght Gallery, San Antonio, TX


“Dirty Dozen”, Blue Star Contemporary Art Museum, San Antonio, TX


 “Gabriel Diego Delgado”, San Antonio Children’s Museum, San Antonio, TX


“Secret Wars”, Art Car Museum, Houston, TX


“The Boom”, Art Car Museum, Houston, TX


“Dialogues”, Blue Star Contemporary Arts Museum, San Antonio, TX


“Mania”, Art Car Museum, Houston, TX


“Letting Go”, NMDK Gallery, San Antonio, TX


“Two Signs of Solidarity”, Diverseworks, Houston, TX


“Una Noche de La Gloria”, Guadalupe Cultural Center, San Antonio, TX


 “Sell Your Fear”, South Texas College, Library Art Gallery, McAllen, TX


“Terror?”, Intersection for the Arts, San Francisco, CA


“Monster Drawing Rally”, Southern Exposure Art Center, San Francisco, CA




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