Conceptual artist Gabriel Delgado is known for his quick and witty investigations into current social and political events. Recently, the artist has turned his sights on Trump's Make America Great Again campaign, and the FBI raid on Trump's Mara Lago resort.

With the ever-changing landscape of contemporary politics, it can be difficult for anyone to keep a foothold, let alone a president.

However, Trump has shown himself to be a resilient leader, bouncing back from past scandals and investigations. Nevertheless, the artist believes that Trump's current struggle with the FBI could be his downfall. Only time will tell if Trump will be able to weather this latest storm.

Either way, Delgado's work provides a humorous and thought-provoking commentary on the current state of affairs.

In the artwork, the phrase "Make America Great Again" is shown to be first used by Alexander Wiley in the 76 US Congress in the 1940s. The concept behind the phrase was to encourage Americans to work together to improve the country's economy and infrastructure. In the years following Wiley's use of the phrase, it was adopted by both the Democratic and Republican party. Bill and Hillary Clinton used the phrase during their presidential campaigns, as did Barry Goldwater during his run for the Republican nomination. In 2015, Donald Trump announced his candidacy for president and chose "Make America Great Again" as his campaign slogan. Trump's use of the phrase caught on with his supporters and became a rallying cry for his campaign. Since Trump's election, the phrase has been used by other politicians to drum up support for their own agendas. Whether or not the concept of "Making America Great Again" will succeed remains to be seen, but its history is rooted in a desire to improve the country for all Americans.

Gabriel Delgado

History of MAGA, 2022

Graphite and Ink on Strathmore Watercolor Paper, Mounted on Canvas

20 x 30 x 2 in

#GabrielDelgado #Maga #Makeamericagreatagain #graphite #ink #strathmorewatercolor #AlexanderWiley #USCongress #Democrat #Republican #BillClinton #HillaryClinton #BarryGoldwater #DonaldTrump #Leftwing #rightwing #conceptualart #contemporaryart #conceptualart #fbiraid #maralago #letsGoBrandon #trump #trumpite #fbi

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Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
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